A Journey of Transformation
With our Gaze Fixed on Him
Baptism is the beginning of our transformation in Jesus Christ. It marks, in effect, our first and fundamental consecration as children of God.
We are called to continue this transformation in a more radical way in our life as Redemptoristines in order to become, both personally and as a community, a Living Memorial of the Paschal Mystery of Christ the Redeemer.

Drawn by the irresistible Love of God, desiring a life of deeper union with Him at the service of our brothers and sisters in the Church and the world, those who seem to show authentic signs of a vocation can be offered the opportunity of an initial monastic experience in our communities.
This initial time of discernment and getting to know one another lasts for at least one year.
If they choose to continue on their journey with Him, in and with our community,
they will be offered a solid formation which is both faithful to tradition and adapted
to the needs of our time.
It is above all a question of leading people into a human and Christian maturity
sufficient to dedicate themselves freely to the service of Christ the
Redeemer. This they do through the grace of God,
with full knowledge and with a joyful heart.
We seek to help discern in those who cross the threshold of the Monastery door,
the human and spiritual qualities necessary to live the
Redemptoristine life and a true call from God, always mindful
that "He has come that they may have life and have it to the full. (John 10:10)"
The postulancy is a time of inquiry and searching: it is not yet the novitiate.
However, entry into monastic life already implies an important change: the
postulant renounces her independence and orientates herself
towards a new way of life.

After a sufficient time of mutual inquiry, of at least one year, the postulant, aware of the call of God and desiring to respond to it, with complete freedom requests entry to the novitiate.
From all eternity, by virtue of a plan born of His mysterious and utterly gratuitous love for us, God wishes to call us to live in communion with Him, to give us His Spirit of love so that He might constantly live with us and in us.

The novitiate, which lasts for two years, is in its every aspect, designed to initiate the novice into the deep meaning of our particular life as contemplative Redemptoristines, and her experience of and knowledge of this great plan of Love.
When accepted for profession at the end of her novitiate, the novice, by the temporary vows of chastity, poverty and religious obedience, offers herself totally to God, through love, to the service of the Church in the Order of the Most Holy Redeemer.
In the liturgy of profession, celebrated in the course of the Eucharist, Christ, by the proclamation of the Word of God, calls the professed Sister to allow herself to be transformed by Him and in Him, in this Order of the Most Holy Redeemer, which is entirely directed to contemplation so as to be a living memory of the love of the Father manifest in Christ the Redeemer.
The time of temporary profession lasts for 5 years.


In pronouncing her solemn vows the professed Sister utters an irrevocable
Yes to God who calls her to an eternal covenant with Him in and for the Church.