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Sr. Stacey's Entrance to the Monastery

Updated: Jan 14, 2021

On Saturday 21st November, Sr. Stacey entered our monastery here in Dublin.

Below you can read Sr. Lucy, our Prioress' reflection given during the entrance ceremony.

Sr. Lucy presents the Redemptoristine Habit to Sr. Stacey

St John’s gospel rightly reminds us that: You did not choose Me, but I chose you, and appointed you to go and bear fruit.

Sr Stacey, God chose you to come to this Monastery and enter this life as a Redemptoristine Nun after prayerful discernment. The Father calls us through Christ and the Holy Spirit to follow Him faithfully, generously and selflessly in the steps of the Redeemer to live a life of contemplation, a life in God, a life of prayer for our world.

We are called by the Father to be, in the Church and in the world of today, a living memorial of the Redeemer.

It is the will of the Father that the Order of the Most Holy Redeemer, that’s us – to have a specific role in His Church: to be a clear and radiant witness of the love He has for us in Christ.

Pope Francis says to us Contemplatives:

The world and the Church need you to be beacons of light for the journey of the women and men of our time. This should be your prophetic witness. You have chosen not to flee the world out of fear, as some might think, but to remain in the world, while not being of the world. Although you live apart from the world, through the signs of your belonging to Christ, you tirelessly intercede for humankind, presenting to the Lord its fears and hopes, its joys and sufferings."

We have celebrated today the Feast of the Presentation of our Blessed Lady – Mary our Mother, and a day set aside for contemplative life – what a lovely day to enter the Monastery. Four years ago, today Sr Máire Bríd entered and we give thanks for her witness and for all the sisters here, who are faithful to their vocation.

Today is a joy-filled day for our Community, a day to celebrate with joy that you Sr Stacey are now part of our beautiful community – We are a community which exudes peace, joy and love for each other, a community that shows mercy and compassion and as we pray Evening Prayer for the Solemnity of Christ the King, we give joyful praise to Christ our King for directing you Sr Stacey to this Monastery, to this house of prayer to this house of God. Amen

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1 Comment

Feb 10, 2021

Just found you online, our Church closes this week . I absolutely loved your whole service today. Thank God for you all. I,'ll be a deffinate attendee, whenever possible from now on . Many Blessings in Christ .

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